Thursday 17 November 2011

Comparison between Teaser trailer and trailer for 'Kung Fu Panda 2'

• They both give an idea of what will happen.
• Mixture of cuts and fades to black.
• Tag lines , often the same.
• Production company logos.
• websites

• A teaser gives away almost nothing as its usually 1 minute or less.
• A normal trailer gives away almost everything as its about 2 or more minutes long.
• The teaser might focus on the main character,were as the trailer might introduce other characters.
• In the teaser they give you a vague release date, but a trailer would give you more of a specific date.
• Pace of the editing is generally quickened in a teaser, were as its not so much faster in a normal trailer.

Kung Fu Panda 2 normal trailer

Kung Fu Panda 2 teaser

Sunday 13 November 2011

Analysation on Trailers

As I've started the comparison between Teaser trailers and longer trailers, looking at what image they give to the audience and also how it's been viewed upon by the audience. I've found that Youtube isn't a reliable source for finding good trailers to analyse as people upload their own versions of trailers and also don't know the difference between a teaser trailer and normal trailer. I approached my Teacher about this and he gave me an excellent website to find good trailers. and then click on movies on their home page. At the moment I'm in the process of analysing 'Kung Fu Panda' 1 & 2.

Friday 4 November 2011

Brief Annotation

Brief Annotation

This is the first horror poster I have ever

Brief Annotation

This poster is from the superhero genre but still shares conventions with the bad teacher poster such as names of actors, production logos & websites even though their both from different genres.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Poster Analysis - to find the conventions of posters

I'm going to analyse a number of posters from a range of genres just to see what conventions posters follow and if their similar or the same.

The first poster i am annotating is from a comedy but rather than look at conventions of genre i am just focusing on the conventions on posters. I will look at some posters from other genres to see if the conventions of posters are the same.