Thursday 19 January 2012

Analysis of 'Buried'

I found the concept of this film very intriguing and I thought it would be a great experience analysing it since I haven't even seen the film itself.

We are introduced to the trailer with the production company 'Lionsgate' around the name are dark grey clouds suggesting this is a horror film, also the production company 'Lionsgate' is associated with making horror type films (e.g. SawII, Midnight Meat Train, Man-Thing,Isolation,See No Evil). There is a cut to another shot of 'Lionsgate' but this time the screen is frizzy suggesting the film has something to do with a loss of connection. Which we later on find this is true as he can't get hold of anybody. A voice over of a girl's voice mail appears over the last shot taking the loss of connection to a further extent. Fade to black and then a shot of the central protagonist everything in the frame is black apart from his face which is lite in green. The colour green is usually associated with night vision, and the darkness around him suggests he is alone. As he breathes heavily the camera pans towards the right and then into a close up to show he's nervous, confused and also to show the cuts on his head. He holds the phone to his ear whilst the voice over continues on. The sound disappears and suddenly we hear an impact sound right after the answer machine 'beeps'.

A cut to a shot of him holding a lighter crawling around in darkness in dirty clothing shows the vulnerability showing this is a horror genre. The lighter shows how small his chances are of surviving as it is only a little flame. A cut of his phone links back to the begging and shows us there’s probably no hope in contacting anybody for him, this further shows the film is a horror. We are positioned with a close up of him in bad condition as he is still bleeding and now is heavily sweating, showing the tension and his desperate need of help as he talks to himself trying to think of a solution to get out of wherever he is. A cut to a watch shows audience he only has a limited amount of time to get out before he dies. Another cut to shot of him holding a lighter up and tilting his head up, the sound is darkened and quickened. This is a build up of tension for the audience.

A cut to black and then a cut to him laying down with low key lighting and tight framing its at an unusual level disorientating audience again suggesting this is a horror. Another impact sound is used followed by sinister music. Close ups of character shows how afraid he is which positions the audience with the film being a horror again. Canted framing is used several times through most of the trailer again pointing towards the fact this is a horror genre. The pace of the editing starts to pick up as soon as the impact sound comes into place which builds the tension, editing becomes even more faster and then suddenly audience only hear him scream. All non diegetic sound has stopped this could possibly show again he is alone as only his voice is heard with silence behind it.